November 28, 2024

How to use Files.SelectedOperations.Selected permission for SharePoint and OneDrive content


I needed to grant permission for an Entra Id application to access SharePoint Online and OneDrive folder. I didn't want to grant the broadest Sites.ReadWrite.All permission to all site collections, nor the second broadest permission Sites.Selected to specific site collection. Instead I needed to go very granular, so limit access to specific folder and use the Files.SelectedOperations.Selected permission.

Backgound: Granting permission to whole site collection

Before realizing Sites.Selected was too broad, I tested using it, and it worked great. I order to use the following commands, I used Graph Explorer to which I granted Sites.FullControl.All permission so that it could modify the permissions for SPO items.

1. Get the site collection

First I queried the site (collection) ID for my SharePoint site collection:


Then with the site ID (it looks something like this: ",8e099463-6a83-48c3-9c0e-59c3ca071054,15a706b9-af56-49dd-97ad-51325cee3b66"), I queried current permissions for the site:

HTTP GET[SITE_ID]/permissions

No permissions were found, just as expected.

2. Add permissions

To add permissions, you use the permissions endpoint:

HTTP POST[SITE_ID]/permissions

with the following payload in the body section of Graph Explorer:

  "roles": [
  "grantedToIdentities": [
      "application": {
        "id": "10facd40-ec88-4c62-b5dc-8170a2ccaba1"

3. Removing permissions

You can remove the permissions too, but for that you need the permission ID. You got the permission ID from the result of the query you used when you added the permission earlier, but in case you missed it, you can list the permissions:

HTTP GET[SITE_ID]/permissions

Permission ID is the long non-GUID string like this:


So in order to remove the permission:


Granting permission to folder level

Alright, I removed the site collection level permissions and started to grant folder level permissions. 

1. Get the drive ID for the library[SITE_ID]/drives

Drive ID is the non-GUID string like:

"id": "b!Y6QJjoNqw0icDlnDygcQVLkGpxVWr91Jl61RMlzuO2a6mn6WqINZRLEDcG_BOOKl"

2. Get the folder ID from the drive by querying all the children items of the folder

HTTP GET[SITE_ID]/drives/[DRIVE_ID]/root/children

So, what I now got was the id 01QHBNZNLH6DKOS3GO3FHKHKIC6AGODYML of the folder MyTemplates inside the library Shared Documents, that's the one.

            "createdDateTime": "2024-11-27T07:26:15Z",
            "eTag": "\"{E9D4F067-CE6C-4ED9-A3A9-02F00CE1E18B},1\"",
            "lastModifiedDateTime": "2024-11-27T07:26:15Z",
            "name": "MyTemplates",
            "webUrl": "",
            "cTag": "\"c:{E9D4F067-CE6C-4ED9-A3A9-02F00CE1E18B},0\"",
            "size": 20558,
            "createdBy": {
                "user": {
                    "email": "",
                    "id": "45a44407-f372-45f5-a69d-9f4dd4f704fa",
                    "displayName": "xyz Admin"

3. Add permissions

Following my earlier steps when granting permission to site level, I made call:

HTTP POST[SITE_ID]/drives/[DRIVE_ID]/items/[FOLDER_ID]/permissions

using same payload as earlier

  "roles": [
  "grantedToIdentities": [
      "application": {
        "id": "10facd40-ec88-4c62-b5dc-8170a2ccaba1"

╯︿╰   I get "Invalid request" error:

    "error": {
        "code": "invalidRequest",
        "message": "Invalid request",
        "innerError": {
            "date": "2024-11-28T08:12:45",
            "request-id": "62a82827-5c26-4883-934e-7eabeceead88",
            "client-request-id": "f6cd7714-2199-3a94-3a4b-5df804f1ec37"

What is this? Documentation is rather brief. There was a great article by Vasil that discusses permissions that indicated that this should (or at least was) possible, so I started testing further, and finally found a solution.


When granting application permissions to folder objects (probably same goes for files and lists), the payload you send is slightly different. You don't use grantedToIdentities array, but instead grantedTo object:

  "roles": [
  "grantedTo": {
    "application": {
      "id": "10facd40-ec88-4c62-b5dc-8170a2ccaba1"

NOTE! This payload doesn't work when granting permission on a site level.

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